Friday, October 31, 2014

[2014.11.01] working on the heaven's door

pc bullet, enemy destroyed

...collision process improved

and wide map with auto scroll

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

[2014.10.16] bye bye chipmunk

use box2d instead chipmunk

chipmunk is simple so much

[2014.10.11] star

[2014.10.10] collision and dummy ui

+ progress

  1. setup physics with chipmunk
  2. setup dummy ui of score

[2014.10.07] make fsm phase

apply fsm phase to bullet generate

[2014.10.03] need fsm


[2014.09.30] 4th work

+ progress

  1. add scene of intro
  2. add scene of title

[2014.09.29] 3rd work

+ progress

  1. move pc
  2. fire bullet

[2014.09.28] first work

+ progress

  1. generate scene
  2. add dummy sprite

project start

+ project start

date :  2014.09.28
use : cocos2d-x c++ 3.103.2 < 3.1

shooting based game

concept keyword
 - galaxy, star, planet, shooting star
 - fantasy, escape, roguelike, action, retro

Temporary name : dust